How to Install


  • If you are looking for an evaluation, please use the Docker Express setup

  • The beta repositories are only to be consulted as part of a request or support process, outside of which no support is to be expected

  • Licenses for used third party libraries can be found at What third party software is used?

The stable repositories contain GA versions from 1.7.31 on. Please see the Release notes for which versions are GA.

Please take into account that in some cases a release is not available for a certain version of an OS, for instance when the OS version is of a later date than the Unified release.

Add repository on Alpine

First, add the Unified Streaming public key (otherwise apk will fail, complaining about missing keys):


wget -O /etc/apk/keys/ \

Then, to add the stable or beta Unified Streaming repository:


# Set 'stable' or 'beta' repository as source

alpine_version=$(cat /etc/alpine-release | sed -r "s/(\d*\.\d*)\.\d*/\1/")
echo https://${repo}${alpine_version} >> /etc/apk/repositories


Please see End Of Life for which versions of Alpine are available.

Finally, to ensure apk package information is up-to-date, run:


apk update

Now, you're ready to install our software with a single command using your apk package manager, see Installation on Linux (all supported distributions).

Add repository on Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, or Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)


Take into account that you will probably need to configure iptables, firewalld and, in case of Red Hat derivatives, Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) in order to successfully stream or capture video. How this should be done is not part of these installation instructions.

Create a file unified-streaming.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d with the following content for the stable release


And replace <base-url-for-specific-distribution> with the base URL from the table below, which shows an overview of the different stable versions that are available:


Base URL

Rocky 8, AlmaLinux 8 or RHEL 8

Rocky 9, AlmaLinux 9 or RHEL 9

or, to install the beta version, use one of the following URLs:


Base URL

Rocky 8, AlmaLinux 8 or RHEL 8

Rocky 9, AlmaLinux 9 or RHEL 9


Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) binaries are compatible, i.e. our Rocky Linux packages can also be installed and used on both RHEL and AlmaLinux.

Finally, to ensure yum package information is up-to-date, run:


sudo yum makecache

Now, you're ready to install our software with a single command using your yum package manager, see Installation on Linux (all supported distributions).

Add repository on Ubuntu / Debian

Packages are available for the following Ubuntu and Debian releases:



Release Name

Ubuntu 22



Ubuntu 22



Ubuntu 20



Ubuntu 20



Debian 11



To add the stable or beta Unified Streaming repository for one of these releases, use the following:


# Choose release name and architecture (note: 'arm64' only available on 'focal-ports' and 'jammy-ports')

# Set 'stable' or 'beta' repository as source

# Add Unified Streaming public key to apt keyrings
sudo mkdir -m 0755 -p /etc/apt/keyrings
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/unifiedstreaming.asc \

# Generate apt source list
echo "deb [arch=${arch} signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/unifiedstreaming.asc] https://${repo} ${release} multiverse" |\
  sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unified-streaming.list

Finally, to ensure apt package information is up-to-date, run:


sudo apt-get update

Now, you're ready to install our software with a single command using your apt package manager, see Installation on Linux (all supported distributions).

Installation on Linux (all supported distributions)


The software requires a license key. The preferred way is to create a file that contains the key (e.g., usp-license.key), which then can be specified in Apache's configuration or when you run one of our command-line tools. How to specify your license key for Apache is explained in Setting up a virtual host (and specifying your license key). For more info, see License Key.

Choose whether you want to install Unified Packager ('mp4split') and our other command-line tools only, or Apache and the 'mod_smooth_streaming' (dynamic packaging with Unified Origin) or 'mod_unified_remix' (dynamic use of Unified Remix) modules as well:

In addition, if you don't necessarily want to install the latest version available in our repository but rather decide on a specific version instead, you can check all available versions of our software (only checking the available versions for 'mp4split' is enough, as all of our software follows this same versioning scheme).


apk search -v -d 'mp4split'

Rocky Linux / RedHat (RHEL) / AlmaLinux:

sudo yum --showduplicates list mp4split | expand

Ubuntu / Debian:

sudo apt list -a mp4split

Please see the Release notes for the release notes.

Command-line tools 'mp4split', 'unified_capture' and 'unified_remix'

To use Unified Packager or any of our other command-line tools when you don't need the Unified Origin or Unified Remix web server modules, install 'mp4split' and our other command-line tools will be installed as dependencies alongside it:


apk --update add mp4split

Rocky Linux / RedHat (RHEL) / AlmaLinux:

sudo yum install mp4split

Ubuntu / Debian:

sudo apt-get install mp4split

Uninstall 'mp4split'

To uninstall 'mp4split':


apk del mp4split

Rocky Linux / RedHat (RHEL) / AlmaLinux:

sudo yum remove mp4split

Ubuntu / Debian:

sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove mp4split

Using Manifest Edit ('manifest_edit') for statically packaged content

When installing Unified Origin, Manifest Edit capabilities are automatically installed as a dependency. This is not the case when installing Unified Packager ('mp4split'). If you need Manifest Edit capabilities with Unified Packager, this functionality can be installed as a standalone command-line tool.


apk --update add manifest-edit

Rocky Linux / RedHat (RHEL) / AlmaLinux:

sudo yum install manifest-edit

Ubuntu / Debian:

sudo apt-get install manifest-edit

And uninstalled.


apk del manifest-edit

Rocky Linux / RedHat (RHEL) / AlmaLinux:

sudo yum remove manifest-edit

Ubuntu / Debian:

sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove manifest-edit


Removing manifest-edit will also remove mod_smooth_streaming, so only remove it when you are using the standalone command-line tool!

Unified Origin web server module ('mp4split' and 'mod_smooth_streaming')

Install Apache and the webserver module like so (the same version of 'mp4split' will be automatically installed as well, alongside any other dependencies for 'mod_smooth_streaming' that are not yet installed). These include:

  • apache2/httpd

  • mp4split

  • mod_unified_s3_auth

  • manifest-edit (python3, pip3, PyYaml, schema)


When installing Unified Streaming via a package manager, http proxy server or offline, please ensure the relevant core dependencies/packages are accessible and installed.

Sub-dependencies for packages should be checked on a machine that is identical to the one where the packages will later be installed. This can be achieved by running:

pip wheel --no-cache-dir --wheel-dir ./wheels PyYAML==6.0.1 schema==0.7.5


apk --update add apache2 mod_smooth_streaming

Rocky Linux / RedHat (RHEL) / AlmaLinux:

sudo yum install httpd mod_smooth_streaming

Ubuntu / Debian:

sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-smooth-streaming

Configure Apache

After you have installed our software and Apache on your Linux distribution of choice, you still need to configure several things before you can successfully stream video. Please see the How to Configure (Unified Origin) section for the necessary information on how to do this.

Uninstall 'mod_smooth_streaming' and dependencies

To uninstall the 'mod_smooth_streaming' webserver module and its dependencies (among which is 'mp4split'):


apk del mod_smooth_streaming

Rocky Linux / RedHat (RHEL) / AlmaLinux:

sudo yum remove mod_smooth_streaming

Ubuntu / Debian:

sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove libapache2-mod-smooth-streaming

Unified Remix web server module ('mod_unified_remix')

Unified Remix can be installed as a command-line tool or as an Apache module.

To run Unified Remix statically you need to install it as a command-line tool. To do this, simply install 'mp4split' as 'unified_remix' is automatically installed alongside it.

To run Unified Remix dynamically you need to install it as a module for Apache. This is very similar to installing Unified Origin, but instead of 'mod_smooth_streaming', you need to install 'mod_unified_remix':


apk --update add apache2 mod_unified_remix

Rocky Linux / RedHat (RHEL) / AlmaLinux:

sudo yum install httpd mod_unified_remix

Ubuntu / Debian:

sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-unified-remix

Configure Apache

Like when installing Unified Origin, you need to configure Apache after installing the Unified Remix module: How to Configure (Unified Remix).

Installation on Windows

For installing USP version 1.14.0 or later on Windows, please see this page. For older USP versions, please refer to this document.