Command-line options for specifying CPIX document URLs

CPIX encryption options

As the title states, this section discusses the use of CPIX document URLs for server manifest creation, with the examples below all using files - but off course actual URLS using HTTP(S) may be used too (as long as they resolve to a valid, relevant CPIX document).


When packaging for HLS the CPIX document must be used when creating the CMFV/A or TS files. See for instance the Multi-DRM protected HLS and DASH from a shared CMAF source outline for an example.

--iss.cpix, --hds.cpix, --hls.cpix, --mpd.cpix

These options specify the URL of the CPIX document that controls encryption for a specific playout format. For example, the following command line generates a manifest file that uses tears-of-steel_hls.cpix when HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) is requested:


mp4split -o tears-of-steel.ism \
  --hls.cpix=tears-of-steel_hls.cpix \
  tears-of-steel-aac-128k.mp4 \
  tears-of-steel-avc1-750k.mp4 \


This option specifies the CPIX document that controls encryption when no format-specific CPIX document was specified for the requested playout format. For example, the following command line generates a manifest file that uses tears-of-steel_hls.cpix when HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) is requested, tears-of-steel_iss.cpix when HTTP Smooth Streaming (HSS) is requested, and tears-of-steel_fallback.cpix for the other playout formats:


mp4split -o tears-of-steel.ism \
  --hls.cpix=tears-of-steel_hls.cpix \
  --iss.cpix=tears-of-steel_iss.cpix \
  --cpix=tears-of-steel_fallback.cpix \
  tears-of-steel-aac-128k.mp4 \
  tears-of-steel-avc1-750k.mp4 \


To prevent unintenional playout in the clear, the use of any of the --iss.cpix, --hds.cpix, --hls.cpix, or --mpd.cpix options disables playout for formats for which no CPIX document URL has been specified. To explicitly enable playout in the clear, an empty CPIX document (without any <ContentKey> elements) may be used.


In some cases, the Content key selection algorithm may not find any suitable content key for a particular (part of a) track. By default, to avoid unintentional playout in the clear, this will lead to an error. The --allow-unencrypted option overrides this behavior.

In the following example, we provide a CPIX document leading-clear.cpix that uses a <KeyPeriodFilter> to exclude the first 30 seconds of playout from encryption:


mp4split -o tears-of-steel.ism \
  --allow-unencrypted \
  --cpix=leading-clear.cpix \
  tears-of-steel-aac-128k.mp4 \
  tears-of-steel-avc1-750k.mp4 \

Please note that this only works for HLS TS. The example uses a AES 128 key that has to be stored next to the server manifest - however, this will work similarly for Fairplay for instance and you off course may also get values from you DRM provider.

CPIX decryption option


Content can be pre-encrypted in which case decryption information is necessary to play the content out in the clear or to play it out using a different DRM system.

The following example shows pre-encrypted content on disk that will be played in the clear with decryption information from "decrypt.cpix".


mp4split -o tears-of-steel.ism \
  --decrypt_cpix=decrypt.cpix \
  enc-tears-of-steel-aac-128k.ismv \
  enc-tears-of-steel-avc1-750k.ismv \

The provided CPIX document "decrypt.cpix" only has a <ContentKeyList>:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CPIX xmlns="urn:dashif:org:cpix"
  xsi:schemaLocation="urn:dashif:org:cpix cpix.xsd"
    <ContentKey kid="10000000-1000-1000-1000-100000000001">

Creating a CPIX document from a manifest

A CPIX document can be created in mp4split using a manifest as input


mp4split -o tears-of-steel.cpix tears-of-steel.ism[l]