Which ingest formats are available?

This page outlines what is expected of 'ingest', how the origin reads audio/video from file (VOD) or from an encoder (Live).

VOD Ingest

For VOD the ingest formats are outlined in the Supported Ingest section of the factsheet.

The preferred input format is fragmented MP4 (ISO BMFF).

The Recommendations for VOD section outlines the best practices when it comes to encoding profiles, captions and subtitles or playout options for VOD in the different formats.

The Content Preparation apply to VOD the same as they apply to Live.

LIVE Ingest

For Live the preferred ingest format is Interface 1 of the DASH-IF Live Media Ingest specification (i.e., CMAF ingest).

It is possible to use the Azure Media Services fragmented MP4 live ingest specification specification as well, including the January 2018 HEVC addendum. However, note that the March 2018 SCTE 35 addendum is non-conforming and not supported.

There is only limited support for HLS ingest TS and CMAF as outlined in Interface 2 of the DASH-IF Live Media Ingest specification. Compared to Interface 1 this solution introduces considerable overhead and latency and is therefore not recommended for production use.

The Recommendations for Live section outlines the best practices when it comes to Live in the different formats.

The Content Preparation do apply.