Installation on Windows (USP versions before 1.14.0)


Please note that these installation instructions apply to versions older than 1.14.0 of the Unified Streaming Platform. For version 1.14.0 or later, please see Installation on Windows (USP version 1.14.0 or later).


PowerShell: the installation instructions for Windows use a script and rely on PowerShell - which you can start by typing 'PowerShell' in the search bar or in cmd.exe (i.e., Command Prompt). In case you rather not use a script, there are fully manual instructions available (which make use of PowerShell as well): Installation on Windows (fully manual; USP versions before 1.14.0).

C++ Redistributable: our executables and DLLs are self-contained and have no dependencies other than the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2022. Please install this package if you did not do so already:

Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing `
  -Uri "" `
  -OutFile vc_redist.x64.exe
# After downloading the package, run it to install it
.\vc_redist.x64.exe /install /quiet /norestart


The software requires a license key. The preferred way is to create a file that contains the key (e.g., usp-license.key), which then can be specified in Apache's configuration or when you run one of our command-line tools. How to specify your license key for Apache is explained in Setting up a virtual host (and specifying your license key). For more info, see License Key.

Choose whether you want to install Unified Packager ('mp4split') and our other command-line tools only, or Apache and the 'mod_smooth_streaming' (dynamic packaging with Unified Origin) or 'mod_unified_remix' (dynamic use of Unified Remix) modules as well:

There is only one Windows version available, which is compatible with Windows Server 2016, 2019 or Windows 10 Pro.

In addition, if you don't necessarily want to install the latest version available in our repository but rather decide on a specific version instead, you can check all available versions of our software by downloading the checksum manifest win.sha256sum from our repository (set the repository to 'beta' if you want to know which betas are available):. Only checking the available versions for 'mp4split' is enough, as all of our software follows this same versioning scheme.

$repo = "stable"
$baseurl = "https://$"
(Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing `
  -Uri "$baseurl/win.sha256sum").tostring() -split "[`r`n]" |`
  Select-String -Raw mp4split

This will print an overview like:


Please see the Release notes for the release notes.

Command-line tools 'mp4split', 'manifest_edit', 'unified_capture' and 'unified_remix'

Changed in version 1.10.19: Command-line tools 'unified_capture' and 'unified_remix' are now bundled with 'mp4split'. This aligns with the Linux packages and conveniently allows all offline tools to be installed in one go. (Note that some features may not be accessible, depending on your license key.)

Changed in version 1.11.13: Command-line tool 'manifest_edit' is now also bundled with 'mp4split'.

To use Unified Packager or any of our other command-line tools when you don't need the Unified Origin or Unified Remix web server modules, install 'mp4split' and our other command-line tools will be installed alongside it.

All necessary steps are combined into a PowerShell script /installation/install-usp.ps1 that does the downloading, integrity check and installation, and also adds the installation directory to the system-wide path settings. After downloading the script, execute it in PowerShell (with appropriate privileges):

$script_dir = "$HOME\Downloads"
$repo = "beta"
$baseurl = "https://$"
$usp_version = "1.13.5"
$cli_tools_dir = "C:\Program Files\Unified Streaming"

PowerShell -File "$script_dir\install-usp.ps1" `
  -baseurl $baseurl `
  -version $usp_version `
  mp4split `
  -targetdir $cli_tools_dir `

Manifest Edit Pipeline Configuration Files

On Windows, the stock .yaml files used for configuring the manifest editing operations are installed into C:\Program Files\Unified Streaming\ManifestEditConf by default. For more details on their content, please refer to Included Use Cases.

If you have no need to modify these files, you can directly refer to them from your manifest_edit command line, for example:

$conf_dir = "C:\Program Files\Unified Streaming\ManifestEditConf"

manifest_edit `
  --python_pipeline_config="$conf_dir\adaptation_sets_order.yaml" `
  -o outfile.mpd `

Most of the time, however, you will have to customize these files to suit your needs. In that case, it is recommended that you first copy the contents of the ManifestEditConf directory to a suitable location, for example C:\ProgramData\Unified Streaming, then edit the copies and refer to those from the manifest_edit command line.


New installations will overwrite the contents of the C:\Program Files\Unified Streaming\ManifestEditConf directory! If you have edited the provided .yaml files, you will lose your modifications.

Unified Origin web server module ('mp4split' and 'mod_smooth_streaming')

To run Unified Origin, you need to install 'mp4split' (which will also install our other command-line tools), Apache and the 'mod_smooth_streaming' webserver module. If you require Amazon S3 authentication, you must install the mod_unified_s3_auth module as well.

First, install Apache:


Apache Lounge blocks downloads from a shell.

Then, install 'mp4split' as well as the webserver modules using /installation/install-usp.ps1 (which does the downloading, integrity check and installation, and also adds the installation directory of the command-line tools to the system-wide path settings):

$script_dir = "$HOME\Downloads"
$repo = "beta"
$baseurl = "https://$"
$usp_version = "1.13.5"

$apache_dir = "C:\Apache24"
PowerShell -File "$script_dir\install-usp.ps1" `
  -baseurl $baseurl `
  -version $usp_version `
  apache_mod_smooth_streaming `
  apache_mod_unified_s3_auth `
  -targetdir $apache_dir\modules

$cli_tools_dir = "C:\Program Files\Unified Streaming"
PowerShell -File "$script_dir\install-usp.ps1" `
  -baseurl $baseurl `
  -version $usp_version `
  mp4split `
  -targetdir $cli_tools_dir `

Configure Apache

After you have installed our software and Apache you still need to configure several things before you can successfully stream video. Please see the How to Configure (Unified Origin) section for the necessary information on how to do this.